Meridian is loved by many, and its future is a major concern for all.
Join the Meridian Architectural Trust as we continue bringing subject matter experts in the field of historic preservation to share best practices with us.
Together, our community can take the next step of this journey together!

Carter Burns,
Executive Director,
Historic Natchez Foundation
An Overview of the Historic Natchez Foundation's Preservation of Historic Properties
Ways to preserve historic homes and businesses
How revolving funds are used
Conservation easements
August 22, 2023
Carter Burns is the Executive Director of HNF. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Millsaps College, a Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi School of Law, and a Master of Historic Preservation from the University of Georgia.
Prior to attending graduate school in historic preservation, Carter clerked for Judge John Roper, the Senior Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi and held the position of Senior Attorney for the Right of Way Division of the Mississippi Department of Transportation.
A Natchez native, Carter came to his job as executive director already armed with deep knowledge of and abiding interest in the history and historic resources of the Natchez District.
A former board member of the Mississippi Heritage Trust and the Mississippi Historical Society, he currently serves on the board of the National Preservation Partners Network and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.
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Attend the Lunch & Learns and continue engaging with our preservation potential.
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Meridian Architectural Trust
For more information concerning our Lunch & Learns