
Meridian is loved by many, and its future is a major concern for all.
Join the Meridian Architectural Trust as we continue bringing subject matter experts in the field of historic preservation to share best practices with us.
Together, our community can take the next step of this journey together!

Lolly Rash
Executive Director
Mississippi Heritage Trust
Claire Winn
Director of Programs
Mississippi Heritage Trust

Overview of Historic Preservation Tax Credits
& National Register
of Historic Places
The Mississippi Heritage Trust and their preservation partners, lobbied the Mississippi legislature for the passage of a State Historic Tax Credit for the rehabilitation of historic properties, which passed in 2006 and was reauthorized in 2016.
After serving as a board member, board president and volunteer for MHT for many years, Lolly took over as Executive Director in 2013. Lolly has over twenty years of experience in historic preservation, including her work as Historical Administrator for the City of Biloxi, Program Manager for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Vice President of White House Properties.
Claire has been a part of the Board of Trustees for five years as a board member, Treasurer, Vice President and President. She has degrees in Interior Design from Mississippi State University and Historic Preservation from the University of Georgia. Originally from Natchez, she worked for many years with Waycaster & Associates Architects on public and private preservation and restoration projects across Mississippi and Louisiana.
Join us on September 22 as they share the key points of historical preservation tax credits and an overview of the National Register of Historic Places.
Be a part of planning the future of Meridian!
Attend the Lunch & Learns and continue engaging with our preservation potential.
Help shape the way our city thinks about its past and its future.
Meridian Architectural Trust
For more information concerning our Lunch & Learns
601-227-1905 or meridianarchitecturaltrust@gmail.com