Meridian is loved by many, and its future is a major concern for all.
Join the Meridian Architectural Trust as we continue bringing subject matter experts in the field of historic preservation to share best practices with us.
Together, our community can take the next step of this journey together!

Mark Tullos, Jr.
Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience
The Meridian Bus Station Restoration & History Project
January 24, 2023
Mark A Tullos Jr. is the President and C.E.O. of the Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience in Meridian, Mississippi. He has been the Assistant Secretary for the Louisiana Office of State Museum, Director of the Louisiana State Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana, and founding director of the Walter Anderson Museum of Art.
Tullos received a degree in visual arts from Louisiana State University. He attended graduate school at Stephen F. Austin University and also participated in Getty Leadership Institute at Claremont Graduate University.
A member of the board for the Mississippi Humanities Council, Tullos also served as a member of the advisory board for the Museum Loan Network at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the honors committee of the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), a panelist for the National Museum Service Board, and a peer reviewer for AAM, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the state arts commissions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Florida.
He and his wife of 42 years have four adult children and four grandchildren.
Be a part of planning the future of Meridian!
Attend the Lunch & Learns and continue engaging with our preservation potential.
Help shape the way our city thinks about its past and its future.
Meridian Architectural Trust
For more information concerning our Lunch & Learns
601-227-1905 or meridianarchitecturaltrust@gmail.com