Meridian is loved by many, and its future is a major concern for all.
Join the Meridian Architectural Trust as we continue bringing subject matter experts in the field of historic preservation to share best practices with us.
Together, our community can take the next step of this journey together!

Katherine Anderson
Tax Incentives Coordinator
Mississippi Landmarks Administrator
Mississippi Department of Archives & History
Applying the Standards for Rehabilitation to Historic Tax Credit Projects
February 28, 2023
Katherine Anderson is the Tax Incentives Coordinator at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. She advises applicants and property owners on appropriate treatments that meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and promote the long-term preservation of historic buildings.
Prior to moving to Mississippi, Katherine worked with the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust on the interior restoration of Robie House and Unity Temple Restoration Foundation in Chicago.
She received a Master's degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Georgia.
Be a part of planning the future of Meridian!
Attend the Lunch & Learns and continue engaging with our preservation potential.
Help shape the way our city thinks about its past and its future.
Meridian Architectural Trust
For more information concerning our Lunch & Learns
601-227-1905 or meridianarchitecturaltrust@gmail.com